Friday, August 31, 2012


From the Book of TB Joshua-The Mirror
Believe in Christ Jesus Redeems our time
“Here great number of disabled people used to lie – the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been invalid for their thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in his condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do you want to get there well?’ ‘Sir, the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. When I’m trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Get Up! Pick up your mat and walk.’
At once a man was cured: he picked up his mat and walked… (John 5:3-9)
The man at the pool of Bethesda was under helpless for many years. Imagine a crippled man, struggling to enter the pool for many years. Imagine the hazard of weather conditions. Remember, when it was raining or sunny, he was there.
When it was raining, it was extremely cold. When it was sunny, it was extremely hot and he was always there. He waited for God’s appointed time. At God’s appointed time, he was healed without any person efforts. You will be healed today. You will be free today. You will be delivered today, without any person efforts.
When he was looking to someone to carry him inside the pool, no one appeared. The Bible says, each time the angel stirred the water, other people jumped into the pool. The crippled man was there, helplessly, looking, listening to the testimonies of other people. He was not discouraged.
If this man was looked on the outside, he could have considered many things. What about all the healing he had seen? What about another people stepped into the water before him? What about those who were healed but not been there as long as he had been?  He could have said: “I’m going to the native doctor!” He could given up. He had nobody to help him into the pool but that was looking on the outside. When he looks on the outside of your situation, it becomes bigger than what you can handle leading to fear, worry and anxiety.
If he was influence by the happening around, he would have given up. However, he maintained his calm for many years-under rainfall, sunshine, cold nights, mosquito bites, e.t.c. Can someone who runs after Jesus for selfish reasons keep pressing under these kinds of conditions? The answer is NO! He kept pressing because he saw beyond his travails.
He believed that if only he could dip himself into the pool, he would make whole. While waiting by the side of the pool, the Bible says, he heard many testimonies. Many others were healed in his presence. He was there lying with no one to help him but he was not discouraged. He saw many miracles happen to many others but there was one thing he believed in - God’s time.

Today is your encounter with Jesus. Jesus is on His way to you – He is coming purposely for you. He is only a moment away.
Say, “Lord Jesus Christ let Your mighty power be released into my body today, in Your holy name!”
“For your blessing to stand the test of time, your belief needs to look beyond the blessing you receive.”
//John 5:14

”When you stay in faith in Christ Jesus, you can stay far from sin.”
//Act 26:18
“We accept miracle by faith when we recognize the reason for the miracle.”
//John 9:35-38
“There is no way you can maintain the blessing of God without faith.”
//Galatians 3:14
“Are you in any unpleasant situation? Wait patiently for the Lord. Don’t be worried about your situation. God’s time is the best.” //Psalm 37:7
“Don’t be anxious for anything – for they will come when the time comes.”
//Mathew 6:25-34
“There is no way you can maintain the blessing of God without faith.”
 //Galatians 3:14
“Are you in any unpleasant situation? Wait patiently for the Lord. Don’t be worried about your situation. God’s time is the best.”
//Psalm 37:7
“don’t be anxious for anything – for they will come when the time com.”
//Mathew 6:25-35

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Mwandishi: Rulea Sanga

Wainjilisti kutoka SCOAN Lagos wamewagawia DVD za "REVIVAL IN THE USA WITH WISE MAN HAARY" kwa Partners wote wa Emmanuel TV Tanzania katika ukumbi wa VIP Diamond Jubilee jijini Dar es Salaam. Watu walikusanyika wengi sana kujipatia DVD hiyo ambayo inatoa mahubiri na shuhuda kutoka kwa Wise Man Harry alipokuwa USA.
Partners wa Emmanuel TV walijaza namba zao za uanachama na kuzipeleka kwa hao wainjilisi kutoka SCOAN. Hakukuwa na ugawaji wa Anointing Water,  Stickers za TB Joshua wala maombezi  kama watu wengi walivyokuwa wanadhani.Madhumuni ya Wainjilisti yalikuwa ni kufanya usajili kwa wale wanaohitaji maombezi Lagos na kuongea na Partners wa Emmanuel TV.

Ruma Africa ilibahatika kupata baadhi ya matukio kama unavyoona hapo chini.

Baadhi ya Partners wa Emmanuel TV wakichukua DVD kutoka kwa wainjilisti kutoka SCOAN na baadhi ya wahudumu kutoka Tanzania.


We thank you Prophate T.B. Joshua for giving Tanzanian gift through evangilist who came to our coutry on 27.08.2012. We thank you for giving us DVD of Wise Man Harry when he was in USA. We welcome you again to come and save us in the name of Jesus. We love you so much.

Ruma Africa Company, is congratulating you, Man of God Prophate TB Joshua, for what you have done in our country (Tanzania). I believe every person who received your DVD  is going to get blessing in the name of Jesus.

We welcome you again, people need see you face to face so that they can be blessed and healed in the name of Jesus.

Im Rulea Sanga, Ruma Africa Director 



Tanzania Daily News (Dar es Salaam)

Tanzania: TB Joshua's Evangelists to Visit Tanzania
SIX evangelists from self-proclaimed Prophet TB Joshua of The Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) based in Nigeria will arrive on Sunday to conduct interviews with people seeking the prophet's prayers.
The evangelists, who will be in the country for four days, will also conduct evangelical services and have audience with followers of SCOAN.

The Church's Country Coordinator, Ms Martha Kaaya, told journalists on Thursday in Dar es Salaam that the evangelists will interview about 400 Tanzanians who had applied for prayers and spiritual services in Nigeria.
The church coordinator hinted that only those who will pass the interviews will travel to Nigeria at the invitation of TB Joshua.

"The evangelists will on August 27 this year interview, in Dar es Salaaam, those registered to travel to SCOAN Nigeria, I urge those registered to be punctual and come with their medical reports," she noted.
Ms Kaaya said that on the 28th and 29th of August this year, the evangelists will meet with friends and stakeholders of Emanuel Television, in the morning, at Diamond Jubilee hall in Dar es Salaam.


  • jshamge
    Aug 24 2012, 12:04
    Could I get information about the place where interview with SCOAN evangelist will be taking place in Dar es salaam Tanzania on 27/08/2012 ?
  • giemiekie
    Aug 24 2012, 14:29

    Yes, the place is Dar es salaam Tanzania.
  • abcshopping102
    Aug 24 2012, 20:19

    This information copied by Ruma Africa



TB Joshua asked for money to build SCOAN Tanzania?

I was so shocked when came across an email published in a forum site by someone claiming to be TB Joshua soliciting for funds to build SCOAN Tanzania. Please be warned; TB Joshua, SCOAN or Emmanuel did not send out such email requesting for funds.

Beware of any imposters claiming to be Prophet T.B. Joshua or claiming to represent The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, demanding for money in the name of either of the above. Healing, salvation and all of God’s blessings are free gifts of God. Jesus Christ paid for our perfect and complete healing when He died on the cross.

Below is the email Published

Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2

Monday, August 27, 2012


Mwandishi: Rulea Sanga

Watanzania wametokea kufurahia sana ugeni uliofika nchini kwetu kutoka kwa Nabii TB Joshua asubuhi ya leo katika ukumbi wa VIP Diamond Jubilee jijini Dar es Salaam.

Zoezi zima lilikuwa la kujiandikisha majina kwa wale wagonjwa wanaotaka kwenda Nigeria kuombewa na Nabii TB Joshua. Zoezi lilianza asubuhi saa 1:00 na kuendelea.

Kuna vigezo ambavyo vinahitajika kwa wale wanaotaka kwenda kuponywa naYesu kwa kupitia Nabii TB Joshua. Vigezo hivyo ni:-

MOJA// Medica Report kutoka kwa daktari isiyozidi miezi sita tangia umepewa.
Kama huna hiyo ripoti au unayo lakini ni ya muda unaozidi miezi 6, unatakiwa kwenda kwa daktari ili upewe nyingine.

MBILI// Mume au Mke anayehitaji mtoto.
Ithibitishwe kuwa ni kweli humjawahi kupata mtoto tangia mumeoana.
TATU// Wale ambao wana matatizo ya kutokuwa na mbegu za kiume, wanahitajika kupiga Utra Sound au kuskaniwa katika hospitali za serikali na sio za watu binafsi, baada ya hapo upeleke hiyo ripoti.
NNE// Watu wenye HIV AIDS wanahitajika kuleta ripoti kutoka katika hospitali za serikali.

Kesho watakuwepo tena katika ukumbi wa Diamondi Jubilee Dar es Salaam kuanzia asubuhi.

RUMA AFRICA inawaomba radhi wadau wangu kwa kuwaletea picha hizi ambazo hazionyeshi vizuri sura za watu. Tulishindwa kupiga picha na kuonyesha sura za watu, baada ya kuona si vizuri kwani kila mtu anashida zake na hangependa kuonekana katika mitandao ya kijamii.

Tunawaomba radhi kwa wale ambao sura zao zimeonekana.

 Watanzania wakiwa katika ukumbi wa VIP Diamond Jubilee.
 Akina mama na wadada wakifuata mstariari kwenda kutoa ripoti zao kwa Wainjilisti
 Huyo mzungu ni mmoja wa Wainjilisti kutoka SCOAN akihakikisha watu wanafuata foleni.

Watu wakisubiria huku wakiangalia Video mpya ya Wise Man Harry aliyeenda Marekani na kufanya mambo makubwa huko kwa utukufu wa MUngu

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Mtafsiri: Rulea Sanga (+255 715 851523)

Muigizaji wa Nollywood, Toto Diken alisema katika mahojiana kutoka na kuokolewa kwa kuacha kuvuta sigara baada ya kuomba pamoja na TB Joshua kwa kupitia Emmanuel TV. Kutokana na Tonto ambaye alianza kuvuta sigara akiwa na umri wa miaka 13, alijiunga na Nabii TB Joshua katika maombi kwa kupitia Emmanuel TV na alipokea muujiza wake katika hali ambayo hakutegemea.

Aliliambia gazeti la Burudani la Nigeria, "Nilikuwa sivuti sigara mwenyewe, Nilikuwa naangalia kipindi katika TV cha Nabii TB Joshua na alikuwa amenyoosha mikono kwa watu huku akiwaobea. Huwa napenda kuangalia vipindi vyake katika Emmanuel TV. Alipokuwa akiomba, alisema, 'Nyoosha mikono yako katika T' nikanyoosha mikono yangu siku hiyo. Hasa nilikuwa nahitaji kitu kingine kutoka kwa Mungu, na sio kuvuta sigara kwasababu napenda kuvuta! Baada ya maombi nilikaa nilipokuwa nimekaa na nikajisikia kulala usingizi. "Baada ya maombi Tonto aliamka na akajisikia kuvuta kama kawaida yake, kitu cha kujua au kugundua ni kwamba hiyo ilikuwa ni tabia yake kwa muda wa miaka 14 ya kuvuta." Nilipoamka, nilichukua sigara na nikajisikia kama nimechanganyikiwa. Sikujigundua hata kuwa nimechukua hiyo sigara kwaajili ya kuvuta. Niliona kama sumu"

One of Nollywood’s rising actresses, Tonto Dikeh, revealed in an interview that she was delivered from an addiction to smoking through praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV. Glory be to God!According to Tonto, who started smoking at the tender age of 13, she joined Prophet T.B. Joshua to pray on Emmanuel TV and received the miracle in a way she never expected.
She told a Nigerian entertainment magazine, “I didn’t quit smoking by myself. I was watching a program on TV with Prophet T.B. Joshua and he was laying hands on people and praying for them. I love to watch his programs on Emmanuel TV. When he was praying, he said, ‘Lay your hands on the TV’ and I just laid my hands that day. I actually needed something else from God, not to quit smoking because I loved smoking! However, after praying I sat back and I think I slept off.”After the prayer, Tonto woke up and attempted to smoke as usual, only to discover that the very habit that had been part of her for 14 years suddenly became revolting. “When I woke up, I took a stick of cigarette and I felt crazy. I couldn’t even imagine that I took it up to smoke in the first place. It felt like poison!”


Mtafsiri: Rulea Sanga +255 715 851523

Watanzani tunaugeni mkubwa sana kutoka kwa Nabii TB Joshua. Hawa si wengine ni WAINJILISTI ambao wanakuja kutuhudumia Watanzania. Hii ni baraka tumepewa na Mungu kwa watu kama hawa kuingia nchini kwetu.

Tumekuwa tukiwaangalia katika Emmanuel TV kwa muda mrefu na tumekuwa tukitamani kuwaona uso kwa uso. Nisikuchoshe kwa maneno mengi mdau wangu, ngoja nikupe mchakato mzima 
Unatakiwa kufika Jumatatu 27.08.2012 saa moja katika ofisi za TB Joshua Dar es Salaam, na wale waliojiandikisha kwenda SCOAN Nigeria  waje pia na medical report zao eneo la Water Front jijini Dar es Salaam.
Wainjilisti watakutana na wale  waliojiandikisha kwenda SCOAN Nigeria siku ya Jumanne Diamond Jubilee.
Watanzania naomba tufike ili kupata ujumbe kutoka kwa watumishi wa Mungu. Mungu wangu awabariki.

Mimi kama blogger nawatia moyo kufika, kumbukeni na mimi nilipata muujiza wa kuonana na Nabii TB Joshua mwezi Aprili 2012


BBlogger Rulea Sanga nilipokuwa SCOAN Nigeria
Wise Men

Ndani ya Sinagogi

Kwaya ya SCOAN

Watu wengi wamepona kwa kupitia Emmanuel TV hasa pale unapogusa mkono wa Nabii TB Joshua ambao huunyosha katika screen yako


Mtafsiri: Rulea Sanga


Kuna watu wametengeneza account zao katika facebook wakidai wao wanamwakilisha T.B. Joshua, The SCOAN au Emmanuel TV.

Kama tulivyowambia hapo nyuma kuwa TB Joshua, The SCOAN na Emmanuel TV wana "page" au ukurasa wao mmoja katika Facebook ambao ni TB Joshua Ministries (

Hakuna "account" ya mtu binafsi katika Facebook kwaajili ya TB Joshua, "Wise Men" au mtu yeyote ambaye amejiunga na huduma yetu. Kwa haraka inaonyesha kuna watu kama 100 wametegeneza kurasa (pages) zao wakidai ni wanahudumu na TB Joshua na watu walio wengi wanatumia jina la SCOAN na Emmanuel TV. Watu wamekuwa wakijipatia pesa kwa kupitia accounts hizo kinyume cha utaratibu kutoka kwa Nabii TB Joshua.

Tumejaribu kupata account hii ya facebook ambayo ni ya matapeli,  ‘Tb Joshua Ministry Can Change The World’ ( Tumeshitushwa kuona "account" hii ina watu kama 40,000. Umefika muda wa kusimamisha hii kazi ya matapeli!

Nabii TB Joshua amesema, "Tunahitaji msaada wako kusimamisha hawa matapeli wa mitandaoni."
1. Tafadhali sambaza ujumbe au taarifa hizi kwa marafiki zako, ndugu zako na majirani zako hasa kwa wale wenye mapenzi na huduma ya TB Joshua.
2. Usitoe maoni yako au kitu chochote katika "account" hii, na kama ulikuwa rafiki katika "account" hiyo, tafadhali jiondoe.
3. Tafadhali kama umegundua hilo toa taarifa kwa watu wanahusika na FACEBOOK haraka, na watu wa Facebook watalishughurikia haraka kwa kuchukua hatua za kisheria.
4. Tafadhali waonye rafiki aun ndugu zako waliokuwa katika accounts hizo wajitoe, na toa taarifa kwa watu wote.
Jiepushe na watu wanaosema wao ni wawakilishi wa Sinagogi ya SCOAN- TB Joshua na kutaka pesa kutoka kwako kwa kukuahidi kukupa Maji ya Upako (Annointing Water) au huduma zingine.
Maji ya Upako hayauzwi na hajatolewa bado kutoka Makao Makuu ya The SCOAN Lagos.

Soma Mathayo 26:40.


We are saddened to discover that people are still being deceived by individuals on Facebook claiming to be representing Prophet T.B. Joshua, The SCOAN or Emmanuel TV.
As we have stated several times before, TB Joshua, The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV has only ONE official Facebook page, which is: TB Joshua Ministries ( ANY OTHER ACCOUNT CLAIMING TO REPRESENT TB JOSHUA, THE SCOAN OR EMMANUEL TV IS FRAUDULENT!!!

There is no official personal account on Facebook for TB Joshua, the Wise Men or any individuals connected with the ministry. A quick search on Facebook shows well over 100 people have created pages claiming to be T.B. Joshua and countless more are deceptively using the names of SCOAN and Emmanuel TV. Experience has shown us that the majority of these people are out to deceive the general public in order to extort money from them.

Although the fraudulent Facebook pages are too numerous to mention, our attention has been especially drawn to the following account: ‘Tb Joshua Ministry Can Change The World’ ( We were shocked to see the account has well over 40,000 followers and the writer of the site is even receiving prayer requests from people in the name of T.B. Joshua. What appalling deceit! It is time to put an end to this.

Prophet T.B. Joshua says, “A pastor leads best when his people get behind him.” We need your support to stop these fraudsters deceiving the general public.

1. Please spread this message to all your friends/ family/ colleagues etc., especially those who have interest in TB Joshua’s Ministry.

2. Please DO NOT like or comment on the fraudulent accounts claiming to be TB Joshua as this will only encourage them in their malicious activities. If you have already become a fan/ friend, please remove yourself from them.

3. Please report the fraudulent sites you discover to Facebook immediately. If enough people report them, the Facebook authorities will be forced to take action.

4. Please warn people who have become friends/ fans of these fraudulent pages and pass this message across to them as soon as possible.

Once again, beware of any imposters claiming to be Prophet T.B. Joshua or claiming to represent The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, demanding for money in the name of either of the above in the promise of providing Anointing Water or other materials from the ministry. The Anointing Water is not for sale and is not being posted out from The SCOAN HQ in Lagos. Healing, salvation and all of God’s blessings are free gifts of God. Jesus Christ paid for our perfect and complete healing when He died on the cross. Watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation (Matt 26:40).

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Mtafsiri: Blogger Rulea Sanga

Hapa kuna ushuhuda wa ajabu wa mtazamaji wa Emmanuel TV kutoka Tanzania ambaye alipokea ukombozi na uponyaji kwa kuangalia Emmanuel TV.

"Jina la Yesu lisifiwe! Ningependa kutoa shukrani zangu kwa timu nzima ya Emmanuel TV, Nabii T.B. Joshua na Wise Men kwa kazi ya Mungu na utayari wa kusaidia wengine"

Ninaushuhuda mkubwa sana ambao ningependa kushirikiana kwa ukombozi nilioupata kwa kuangalia Emmanuel TV! Ilikuwa siku ya Jumatatu 13/08/2012 wakati wa  "Live Service" , nilipokuwa naangalia Emmanuel TV wakati "Wise Men" walipokuwa wanawahudumia watu waliokusanyika pale. Nilimwona dada kutoka Zambabwe ambaye alikuwa na tatizo kama langu ambalo ni kutokwa na damu kutokana na roho ya mwanaume. Nilikuwa nikimuota huyu mwanaume katika ndoto zangu kwa miaka mingi sasa na nilikuwa nikitokwa na damu mfululizo kwa muda mrefu. Nilikuwa naogopa kwenda kulala kwasababu nilikuwa najua utakuwa usiku wa mateso na shida.

"Kwahiyo  "Wise Man" John Chi alipokuwa akimwombea yule mwanamke, imani yangu ikaanza kukua. Nilikuwa nalichukia hili pepo ambalo lilikuwa likinitesa mimi! Nilijisemesha mwenyewe, 'Kama huyu mwanamke atakombolewa, na mimi nitakuwa nimekombolewa.' Na alipokuwa anaombewa, nilianguka chini katika chumba changu! Siwezi kuelezea kitu gani kilinitokea lakini nguvu za Mungu zilinipiga katika mwili wangu. Na mwanamke wa Zimbabwe aliposema yuko huru kwa jina la Mungu, na mimi nikaanza kumshukuru Mungu kwa kukombolewa kwangu. Na mara alipokuwa amewekwa huru, na mimi nikawekwa huru!
"Kwa utukufu wa Mungu mpaka sasa, sitokwi tena na damu, na sioti tena ndoto mbaya tena. Nina furaha ya kutosha na amani katika moyo wangu. Jina la Yesu na liinuliwe na kutukuzwa milele na milele!" Aminia

Peace Gresmo, Tanzania

Spiritual Husband Exposed; Excessive Bleeding Stopped!

Here is a wonderful testimony from an Emmanuel TV viewer in Tanzania who received her deliverance and healing through watching Emmanuel TV:
“Praise the name of the living Jesus! I would like to extend my special thanks to the Emmanuel TV team, Prophet T.B. Joshua and also all the Wise Men for their commitment to God and readiness to serve others.
“I have a wonderful testimony to share about the deliverance I received through watching Emmanuel TV! Well, it was on Monday 13th August during the live service when I was watching Emmanuel TV as the wise men were ministering to the congregation. I saw a lady from Zimbabwe who had been tormented by exactly the same case as I had, which was a spiritual husband that caused excessive bleeding. I had been tormented by this strange man in my dreams for many years and had been bleeding continually for so long. I was always afraid of going to sleep because I know it would be a night of torment.
“So, when Wise Man John Chi was praying for her, faith began to rise in my heart. I was angry at this demon that was tormenting me! I said to myself, ‘If this lady will be delivered, I also will be delivered.’ As she was being prayed for, I suddenly fell down in my room! I can’t explain what happened but the power of God hit my body. As the lady from Zimbabwe was declared free by the man of God, I also started thanking God for my deliverance. As soon she was set free, I also was set free!
“To the glory of God, up to this moment, I am no longer bleeding and am not experiencing any bad dreams or nightmares anymore. There is so much joy and peace in my heart. May the name of Jesus be lifted on high and glorified forever and ever, amen!”
Peace Gresmo, Tanzania

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Mwandishi na Mtafusiri: Rulea Sanga


Nguvu za Yesu ni kukuokoa, kukuponya na kukulinda inategemea na imani ulioyoipokea. Hii ina maanisha pale mtumishi wa Mungu anaposema, “Na Upone Sasa”, huwezi kupona kwa akili ya kawaida mpaka umeamini. Kwa lugha nyingine imani katika Yesu ni sheria muhimu sanakatika uponyaji wa kiroho, baraka na ukombozi. Mtumishi wa Mungu anaposema, “Umepona”, unakuwa umepona haswa, lakini una kazi ya kucheza na muujiza wako – unahitaji kuwa na imani
Rulea Sanga

Imani katika Yesu na kitu muhimu katika uponyaji wa kweli wa kiroho. Uponyaji wa Kiroho ni uponyaji haswa. Ugonjwa wako utaponywa sio kiroho tu bali hata kimwili.

Hivi ndivvo Biblia inamaanisha juu ya uponyaji huu dhabiti. Kuponywa katika akili ya kimwili au akili ya kawaida ni kuwa umeponywa kwa kulindwa katika hali ya kiroho.

Yesu hawezi kulinda nafsi ya mtu mpaka mtu mwenyewe ajue mapenzi ya Mungu, tukimaanisha Ukombozi katika Imani. Hii ina maanisha kwa kuamini mapenzi ya Mungu, haijalishi ni jambo gani unalo. Jambo linaweza kuwa ugonjwa au umaskini.

Katika Marko 9:22-23, Yesu alikubali kufanya ukombozi, lakini kwa taratibu muhimu. Kwa maneno mengine, Yesu alikuwa akisema, Ana nguvu za kutosha kuokoa kama tu pepo limemiliki imani ya kupokea. Katika kuponya hili, mtu akapiga kelele, “Nina imani!”



Jesus’ power to deliver, heal and save depends on one’s faith to receive. This means, when a man of God says, “Be healed”, you can not be healed in true sense of it, unless you believe. In other words, faith in Jesus is necessary condtion to true spiritual healing, blessing and salvation. When a man of God says, “You are healed”, you are healed indeed but you have a role to play in your miracle – you need faith.
Faith  in Jesus is a necessary condtion to true spiritual healing. Spiritual Healing is healing indeed. Your sickness will be healed not only spiritually but also physically.
This is what Bible means by being healed indeed. Be healed in physical sense is being healed saved in the spiritual sense.

Jesus can not save soul of a man until the man himself know God’s will in the matter. Salvation is by faith. That is, by trusting the known will of God, whatever matter is at hand. It could be a matter of sickness or of poverty.

In Mark 9:22-23, Jesus agreed to deliver but with necessary conditions. In other words, Jesus was saying He had enough power to deliver if only the demon-possessed faith to receive. On hearing this, the man shouted, “I have faith!”


Mtunzi wa Mtihani: Rulea Sanga

Unatakiwa kujibu maswali yote kwa muda wa saa mbili na nusu. Tunaamini utazingatia hilo agizo kwasababu wewe ni mtumishi wa Mungu.

Majibu yako unaweza kunitumia katika email yangu

Angalia muda ulioanza kujibu kwa makini.

Kumbuka hapo ulipo unasimamiwa na Roho Mtakatifu kwahiyo huwezi kufanya jambo lakuangalizia.

Ukiangalizia Roho Mtakatifu na nguvu za Mungu zitakutoa katika chumba chako cha kufanyia mtihani.

Matokeo yako utatumiawa kwa email na utapewa na cheti cha kufanya mtihani.

Kila swali lina maksi 10

Jinsi ya kujibu: Unatakiwa kuchagua jibu sahihi na ukipata andika namba ya jibu na jibu lake kwa kuandika herufi kama ni A, B, au C. Na usiandike swali, wewe tutumie hiyo herufu na namba ya swali.


Chagua jibu sahihi;

  1. Kitu gani kilitokea wakati Yesu anabatizwa

                 (a) Wingu jeusi

                  (b) Tetemeko la ardhi

                  (c) Mbingu za dunia zikamfunukia akaona Roho wa Mungu akishuka             
                 kama hua, akija juu yake, na sauti kutoka juu ikisema, Huyu ni
                 mwanagu mpendwa wangu, ninayependezwa naye

  2. Yesu alipopandishwa na Roho nyikani ili ajaribiwe na ibilisi, alifunga kula siku ngapi?

                  (a) kumi

                  (b) Sita

                  (c) Arobaini
  3.   (i) Yesu alipoingia Kapernaumu, akida mmoja alimjia, akimsihi akisema, Bwana mtumishi wangu amelala, mgonjwa wa kupooza, anaumwa sana. Yesu akamwambia,

                  (a) Amini ameshapona

                  (b) Nitakuja, nimponye

                  (c) Nitakuja, nimuokoe na atapona.

    (ii) Yule akijibu akasema, Bwana mimi sistahili wewe uingie chini ya dari yangu, lakini sema neno na mtumishi wangu atapona. Yesu aliposikia hayo alistajabu akawambia wale waliomfuata

                  (a) Amini na wambie sijaona imani kubwa kama hii kwa yeyote
                 katika Israel

                  (b) Amini na wambie sijaona imani kubwa kama hii kwa yeyote
                 katika mkutano huu

                  (c) Amini na wambie sijaona upendo kubwa kama huu kwa yeyote
                 katika Israel

  4. (i) Kuna muujiza ambao Yesu aliufanya wa kuiongeza mikate na samaki ambapo wanafunzi wake walikula mpaka wakasaza. Ni mikate mingapi na samaki ngapi ambazo Yesu aliziombea kwa kutazama juu mbinguni kwa Mungu?

                  (a) Mikate miwili na samaki watano

                  (b) Samaki wawili na mikate mitano

                  (c) Mkate mmoja na samaki waili

    (ii) Masazo yaliyobaki baada ya wanafunzi kula na kushiba ilijaa vikapu vingapi?

                  (a) kumi na viwili

                  (b) Kuma na saba

                  (d) viwili

  5. Ni baada ya kufanya nini, Yesu aliwaambia, “Imeandikwa, nyumba yangu itakuwa nyumba ya sala, bali ninyi mmeifanya kuwa pango la wanyang’anyi”.

                  (a) Ni baada ya Yesu kuingia hekaluni na kuona watu wakiuza na
                 kununua, Yesu akapindua meza za wabadili fedha na viti vyao
                 waliokuwa wanauzia njiwa

                  (b) Ni baada ya Yesu kuingia msikitini na kuona watu wakiuza na
                 kununua, Yesu akapindua meza za wabadili fedha na viti vyao
                 waliokuwa wanauzia njiwa

                  (c) Ni kabla ya Yesu kuingia hekaluni na kuona watu wakiuza na
                 kununua, Yesu akapindua meza za wabadili fedha na viti vyao
                 waliokuwa wanauzia njiwa
  6. (i) Yuda alipoona ya kuwa Ysu amekwisha kuhukumiwa, alifanya nini?

                  (a) Yuda alijuta akawarudishia wakuu na makuhani na wazee vile
                 vipande thelathini na moja vya fedha

                  (b) Yuda alijuta akawarudishia wakuu na makuhani na wazee vile
                 vipande thelathini vya fedha

                  (c) Yuda alijuta akawarudishia wakuu na makuhani na wazee vile
                 vipande thelathini vya dhahabu

    (ii) Ni maneno gani Yuda alisema baada ya kurudisha vile vipande alivyopewa kwaajili ya kumsaliti Yesu?

                  (a) Alisema, Nalikosa nilipoisaliti damu isiyo na hatia
                  (b) Alisema, Sijakosea nilipoisaliti damu isiyo na hatia
                  (c) Alisema, Nalikosa nilipoisaliti damu iliyo na hatia

    (ii) Yuda baada ya kukimbia ndani ya hekalu kutokana na kumsaliti Yesu alifanya nini?

                  (a) Alikimbia na kujinyonga

                  (b) Alirudi na kumsujudia Yesu

                  (c) Alihuzunika sana na kulia

  7. Baada ya kusikia kuwa Herode amekufa Misri, Yusufu, Yesu na Bikira Maria  walitoka Israel ni wapi walienda kuishi?

                  (a) Nazareti

                  (b) Misri

                  (c) Marekani
  8. Taja majaribu matatu ambayo Yesu alijaribiwa na Ibilisi nyikani?

                  (a) (i) Mawe yawe mikate

                      (ii) Yesu kujitupa chini kutoka katika kinara cha hekalu

                      (iii) Kumsujudia Ibilisi

                  (b) (i) Mchanga uwe mikate

                      (ii) Yesu kujitupa chini kutoka katika kinara cha mlima

                      (iii) Kumsujudia Ibilisi

                  (c) (i) Mawe yawe mikate

                      (ii) Yesu kujitupa chini kutoka katika kinara cha hekalu

                      (iii) Kumsujudia Mfalme
  9. Yesu aliposhuka mlimani, makutano mengi walimfuata. Na tazama akaja mtu mwenye ukoma, akamsujudia akisema,

                  (a) Bwana ukitaka unaweza kunitakasa

                  (b) Bwana ukitaka waweza kunibariki

                  (c) Bwana ukitaka waweza kunihurumia

  10. (i) Taja jina la mfalme aliyemfunga na kumtia Yohana Mbatizaji gereza?

                  (a) Kayafa

                  (b) Rulea Sanga

                  (c) Mfalme Herode

    (ii) Kwani Yohana alifungwa gerezani?

                  (a)  Yohana alimwambia sio halali kwa Herode kuwa na nduguye         
                 Filipo awe mke wake na Herode.

                  (b) Yohana alimwambia sio halali kwa Kayafa kuwa na nduguye
                 Musa awe mke wake na Herode.

                  (c) Majibu ya hapo juu sio sahihi

    (iii) Kwanini mfalme alipoona watu akaogopa kumuua Yohana Mbatizaji?

                  (a)  Yohana alimwambia sio halali kwa Herode kuwa na nduguye
                 Filipo awe mke wake na Herode.

                  (b) Kwasababu watu walimuona Yohana Mbatizaji kama Nabii

                  (c) Kwasababu watu walimuona Yohana Mbatizaji kama Mfalme

    (iv) Ni nani aliyecheza mbele ya Herode wakati wa sikuku yake ya kuzaliwa akampendeza Herode kwa uchezaji wake?

                  (a) Binti Herode

                  (b) Mjukuu wa Herode

                  (c) Rafiki yake na Binti Herode

    (v) Ni nani alimshauri huyu mtu aliyecheza mbele ya mfalme Herode na mpaka Herode akakubali kutimiza kiapo chake cha kumpa chochote atakachoomba?

                  (a) mama yake

                  (b) Kaka yake

                  (c) Rafiki yake

    (vi) Huyo aliyemfurahisha Herode kwa kucheza aliomba  nini apewe na huyo mfalme?

                  (a) hakuomba chochote

                  (b) aliomba kichwa cha Yohana Mbatizaji katika mfuko

                  (c) aliomba kichwa cha Yohana Mbatizaji katika kombe

    (vii) Unafikiri Herode alifuarahia ilo ombi la huyu aliyecheza vizuri katika sikuku yake ya kuzaliwa? Na kama alifurahi au alisikitika ni kwanini?

                  (a) Herode alisikitika, kwasababu aliona ni aibu kwa watu waliokuwa
                 nao katika meza ya chakula na wote waliofika katika sikukuu yake

                  (b) Herode alisikitika, kwasababu aliona ni atakimbiwa na watu
                 waliokuwa nao katika meza ya chakula na wote waliofika katika
                 sikukuu yake

                  (c) Herode alisikitika, kwasababu aliona ni si haki na ni uonevu  kwa
                 watu waliokuwa nao katika meza ya chakula na wote waliofika katika             
                 sikukuu yake

    (viii) Baada ya kichwa cha Yohana Mbatizaji kukatwa na kukabidhiwa yule kijana alicheza vizuri mbele ya mfalme Herode, ni wapi alikipeleka hicho kichwa?

                  (a) mama yake

                  (b) Kaka yake

                  (c) Rafiki yake

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Askofu Mwakang'ata baada ya kupata Anointing Water kutoka kwa watumishi wa Mungu ambao walibahatika kufika kwa Nabii TB Joshua Nigeria, aliamua kugawa upako huo kwa Wana-Glorious Celebration nyumbani kwake Chang'ombe.

Nabii TB Joshua alimwalika mtumishi wa Mungu Rulea Sanga kufika katika Sinagogi yake (The SCOAN)  ili aonnane naye  LIVE, na kutaka kujua kazi ya mtumishi huyu kuhusiana na blogu yake ambayo ilimbariki sana Nabii TB Joshua. Rulea aliongozana na kiongozi wa Band ya Glorious Celebration, Emmanuel Mabisa na ikawa baraka kwa BWANA.
 Baadhi ya waimbaji wa Glorious Celebration wakiwa nyumbani kwa Askofu Mwakang'ata, wakisubiria kupata UPAKO kutoka kwa Nabii TB Joshua
 Ilikuwa ni furaha siku hiyo.
 Blogger Rulea Sanga, wa pili kutoka kulia akiwaonyesha baadhi ya clips za Nabii TB Joshua

Askofu Mwakang'ata akihakikisha kila mtu anapata baraka za Mungu kutoka kwa Nabii TB Joshua
 Mama Askofu mwakang'ata akimyunyizia Maji ya Upako, mzee wa kanisa la The Victory Church, Sunga
 Askofu Mwakang'ata na kikundi chake cha Glorious Celebration wakimuomba Mungu
 Huduma ikiendelea, Mungu akifanya kazi yake kwa watu wake kwa kupitia Maji ya Upako. Imma Base akinyunyiziwa maji yenye kuleta amani  na uponyaji
 Imma solo akipokea baraka zake kwa kupitia Anointing Water

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Source: Posted by Rulea Sanga +255 715 85 15 23

July 21, 2012 by thetbjoshuafanclub
Sunday Service 19.07.12
The Sunday Service started off with the prayer line attended by a significant number of people who were set free from their bondage after which Prophet T.B. Joshua preached on “Acting On The Word – Part 2”.
Preaching the Word of God
In the sermon, the man of God said, “We have exact knowledge, perfect knowledge and complete knowledge. That knowledge is in the Word when illumined by the Spirit. Our spirit acts upon the Word”. He also said “The problem of believing is made simple when we know that it is acting on what God has spoken”. He also emphasized on the fact that if we have all gifts without love, it is a wasted energy (1 John 5:13).
He added that faith is not rooted in intellectualism. It is purely a spiritual issue, rather than an intellectual agreement. Faith comes when the Word prevails over the thinking processing. We may be familiar with original Greek or Hebrew or the history of the Word, but it is all wasted energy if we do not practice it.
He stated that Scriptural prayer releases the power of God and to fill your prayers with the Scripture. If the Word dominates your spirit, it will influence your conduct and behaviour. In our ministry (The SCOAN), the Word has been a living and growing force. The mighty One (Jesus Christ) that is in us is taken out of the Word. As we begin to do the Word, God begins to act in us and through us.
Apostle Ekune Joseph sharing his testimony of complete deliverance
The video recording of the experiences of Apostle (Dr) Ekune Joseph was the first to be played.  Before his deliverance last week, the evil spirit had spoken through him in the church, to the effect that it had destroyed his ministry after he had burnt the village idol and shrine which had been revealed to him in a dream as the cause of their limitation. The evil spirit further stated it’s dislike of the Bible, and was angered by the pastor’s passion for delivering people; it also caused people to protest in the church and fight within themselves when the Word of God was being preached. The evil spirit also explained that it was because the name, Jesus, was an enemy, which sent fire into their kingdom. The evil spirit also confessed to being behind his wife’s barrenness for 12 years. His church lost many members due to the attack from the infuriated idol. In the midst of his trouble, he had watched Emmanuel TV and decided to visit The SCOAN for deliverance.
In his testimony, Apostle Joseph explained that after destroying the idol in his village with a group of fellow pastors and prayer warriors, he had a strange attack in his dream whereby he saw squirrels chasing him away from the village. Following this experience, his zeal for prayer and reading the Bible suddenly began to diminish. He explained that any time he opened his Bible to read, dizziness would come upon him to such an extent that he would often sleep off without actually studying the Scriptures.
Upon his return to his church, strange incidents began occurring during his services. Firstly, anytime he mounted the pulpit to preach, some form of commotion or argument would break out within the members, distracting the people present from listening to the message. As a result of these distractions and contentions, many members left his ministry and the church he had worked so hard in to build up began to crumble.
The grateful minister of God explained that after praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV, he had a remarkable dream where he saw the Prophet calling on him to come to The SCOAN. Honouring the Divine invitation, he came and received his mighty deliverance. To God be the glory!

Another video was also shown of Pastor Kenny Udeh’s deliverance in The SCOAN the previous week. He was invaded and possessed by seven spirits stating they were from the jungle on the planet, Jupiter after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights on a mountain in Enugu State. He had wanted to assist an old woman and her daughter to lift some wood after which they disappeared and he became confused. He later travelled to Dubai where he ran into an ugly situation which put him into prison. After release from prison, he returned to Nigeria to continue preaching through his ministry, Paraclete Ministries.
Pastor Kenny narrating his experience of  demonic possession
After that, his wife was feeding him and his household was always under constant threat. The spirit spoke through him that over nine people in his family had been killed and that although the pastor was strong, he also was tempted to almost kill his wife with a bottle and knife.
Pastor Kenny came forward to share his experiences. He explained that, as a minister of God, he had read various books about how other men of God had gone into prolonged periods of fasting and prayer in their quest for more supernatural power. Yearning for the same power in his ministry, one day he decided to enter into a 40 day fast on a mountain. He was there alone and did not even inform his wife of his intentions before going to the mountain.
He explained that on the 39th day of the fast, with his body both weak and frail, he saw an old woman suddenly appear on the mountain attempting to carry firewood. Helping the old woman to carry the fire wood, he gave it to her and returned back to his place of prayer. To his greatest surprise, upon looking back to see where the woman was, she had totally disappeared. He had just encountered an evil spirit! After returning from the mountain, Pastor Kenny explained how strange beings attacked him in his house the following night. From that point onwards, his ministry began spiralling steadily downwards. Frustration and stagnation became the order of the day
It came to the point where one day, he picked up a knife intent on stabbing his wife to death and ending his ministry in disgrace. However, before carrying out the devilish act, his daughter discovered him grasping the knife and pleaded with him to release it. Realising what the spirit was pushing him to do, Pastor Kenny resolved to visit The SCOAN, knowing that his case required spiritual intervention.
After attending The SCOAN service on Sunday, Pastor Kenny had a remarkable encounter in his dream. He found himself in a strange reddish land where demonic beings began introducing themselves to him, stating that they were from the planet Jupiter and their mission was to destroy him. In the midst of the encounter, he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua suddenly appear in their midst in a ray of light and strike him on the chest, calling on him to come. Waking up from the dream, it was the following day on Monday that he received his deliverance through prayer from Wise Man John Chi.
When probed, Pastor Kenny explained that during the prayer from Wise Man John Chi, he could actually see Prophet T.B. Joshua praying on his knees behind the Wise Man. This explained why the demons within Pastor Kenny had said they knew T.B. Joshua’s secret was hidden in Matthew 6:6 – “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
Professor healed of glaucoma
The second service, characteristically, was the wise men praying for the congregation in the church where deliverance and healing took place in the lives of thousands of people. The second service ended with mass prayer from the wise men.
Reverend Professor Ngochindo had experienced glaucoma for 10 years, and had ocular pressure which rose to 29. He explained that if it reached 30, he would have gone blind. He was to be operated upon in Port Harcourt, where he practices as a medical doctor. Having refused the option of operation, he visited The SCOAN. He went through the prayer line and was later given the Anointing Water; he believed a spiritual operation was done on him by the five Wise Men. His ocular pressure dropped from 29 to 22.2, back to regular levels. He advised the viewers that if doctors had faith, they could do many things without a knife in the operating theatre and that everyone should put God first.

Friday, July 20, 2012



Now that you are healed, you have the opportunity to show your loyality to God again. Learn from your past and move on.

Many today are seeking the face of God for one thing or the other, in terms of blessing, deliverance, healing and prosperity. By the time theirs needs are met; they tend to forget their Source too soon. Remember blessing and prosperity attract friends and relations to carry along with them much responsibility.

Prosperity and miracle usually carry along with them new status, new responsibilities and new connections, which tend to take ones’s mind off the Source of the blessing. When a miracle comes, old things pass away so soon. The way you used to speak is no longer the way you speak now.
When you were poor and sick, your speech was mostly appealing and petitional. But now you are strong and healthy, your speech is commanding, forceful and instructing.

Previously, you had enough time to spend in the church fasting and praying. But now, you have no time to even listen to sermons (God’s Word) and read the Bible with devotion, let alone fast and pray.
Text typed by Rulea Sanga



Translated by (Imetafsiriwa na)  Rulea Sanga +255 715 85 15 23

Emmanuel, watu wa Mungu nawasalimu kwa jina la Yesu, Ushuhuda wangu unakuja kama hivi. Tangia 2010 mambo yalikuwa mabaya sana katika nyumba yangu. Kulikuwa hakuna hata chembe ya amani, kwasababu hakuna kitu nilichofanya kumuomba radhi mke wangu. Muda mwingine alikuwa anafanya vitu vya ajabu ndani ya nyumba. Kwa  mfano mara zingine anabadilisha Chanel ya Emmanuel Tv au kuzima kabisa. Mara nyingine anazima taa zote ndani ya nyumba. Alibadirika kutoka katika hali ya kufanya maombi na kuwa mtu asiyesoma Biblia hata kidogo na kutosali kabisa. Nilivyokuwa nataka kuamka usiku kwaajili ya maombi , akiamka na kuniona naomba alikuwa anachukia sana. Nilivyokuwa namuomba tuombe kwa pamoja, anasema ataomba akiwa kitandani bila ya kuamka.
Hii picha sio ya huyo mwenye ushuhuda, ila nimekuwekea umuone TB Joshua akiwa katika huduma yake kanisani kwake kabla hajabailisha muonekano wa kanisani. Hii picha ni ya kipindi cha nyuma sana

"Iliendelea hivyo mpaka watu wakaanza kunikimbia, hata wafanyabiashara wenzangu, familia na marafiki. Hii ilinifananya niwe muombaji wa kifedha. Baada ya kuangalia Emmanuel TV na kusikiliza miujiza ya watu, nikaanza kutambua kuwa kuna chembe ya kiroho katika matatizo yangu. Nikakopa pesa Bank ya Afrika Kusini kuja Nigeria na kufika The SCOAN tarehe 4th June 2012.

"Nikiwa The SCOAN nilibahatika kuonana na Nabii TB Joshua, ambaye alinyoosha mkono wake na kuniuliza swali rahisi "Habari yako?" Nikamjibu kwa imani kwa kusema salama, hata kama nilikuwa na tatizo kuishi na kifo! Nilibahatika kupata Mafuta ya Baraka na kurudi Afrika Kusini. Nikamwambia mke wangu tufunge kwa siku tatu, kilichonishangaza alikubali. Baada ya kumaliza mfungo wa siku tatu, nikamiminia mafuta yeye, mimi na watoto wangu. Baada ya hapo mke akawa ameanza kuipenda Emmanuel TV. Nilijua MUngu yuko kazini!

"Kwahiyo, Jumapili ya 15th Julai 2012, kama Wise Men walivyokuwa wakiongoza katika ibada ya maombi, nilikuwa natafakari Neno lamUngu katika moyo wangu. Ghafla mke wangu alisimama na akaanza kuomba. Nilishangazwa sana, sijawahi kumuona akifanya maombi na Emmanuel TV. Kitu kingine nilichosikia kutoka kwake ilikuwa ni "Moto!, Moto!, Moto!" na baadae akaanza kutapika!

"Alikuwa anaunguruma kama simba, huku akitaka kupambana. Kabla ya kujua hilo, akaanza kufanya uharibifu. Ilionekana kama roho yake ilikuwa inapambana na mtu fulani ambaye hamuoni. Nikaamua kuwatoa watoto na kuwaweka mahali salama, gorofani. Nikachuka Maji ya Baraka na nikaanza kuyapulizia kwake, huku nikikemea mapepo kama nilivyokuwa nawaona Watumishi wa Mungu wa Navbii TB Joshua katika Emmanuel TV. Mapepo yakaanza kuzungumza, na kusema maneno ya kushangza na ya ajabu. Baada ya kupambana kwa muda wa dakika ishirini, roho ya mapepo ikamtoka na akaanguka chini na kuanza kulia.
 "Ninavyokuandikia sasa, ni mke wa ukweli, nilimjua siku yangu ya kwanza! Amani imerudi katika nyumba yetu. Nimeona alama za kukombolewa katika biashara yangu na jamaa zangu. Nakushukuru Mungu kwa kutumia Emmanuel TV, Maji ya Upako na Nabii TB Joshua kumuokoa mke wangu, nyumba yangu na familia yangu yote"

Omiragua Cecil Onoriode – Afrika Kusini
Omba na Nabii TB Joshua

As John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only steal, kill and destroy but I have come that you might have life and have it in abundance.” Prophet T.B. Joshua says, “Unclean spirits cause men to lose control and commit all shameful acts. However, one thing is clear – demons know that they must submit to the authority in the name of Jesus Christ.”
The following testimony from an Emmanuel TV really testifies to this truth. We believe your faith will be lifted up as you read, in Jesus’ name.
“Emmanuel! People of God, l greet you all in Jesus’ name. My testimony goes like this. Since 2010, things have been very bad in my house. There was no single atom of peace because there was nothing I did that could please my wife. Sometimes she used to do strange things in the house. For example, she would always change the channel from Emmanuel TV or turn it off totally. Sometimes, she would even turn off all the lights in the house. She changed from a prayerful person to not reading the Bible at all and never praying again. When I woke up to pray in the night, if she woke up, she would always be very angry with me. If I invited her to join me, she said that she would pray from the bed without getting up.
“It went to the extent that people began running away from me, including my business partners, family members and friends. Hatred was everywhere. This had turned me to a beggar financially. After watching Emmanuel TV and listening to many people’s testimonies and experiences, I began realizing that there must be a spiritual element to my problem. l had borrow money from a bank in South Africa to come to Nigeria and visit The SCOAN on the 4th of June, 2012.“During my time in The SCOAN, I had the opportunity to meet with Prophet TB Joshua who shook my hand and asked me a simple question, ‘How are you, sir?’ I responded by faith that I was fine, even when it was actually a case of life and death! I managed to get the Anointing Water and came back to South Africa. I asked my wife to fast with me for three day and to my surprise, she agreed! Immediately after we completed the fast, I administered the Anointing Water upon her, the kids and myself. Following that, I realized that my wife started taking more interest in Emmanuel TV. I knew God was at work!

“So, on Sunday 15th July 2012, as the Wise Men were leading the congregation in mass prayers, I was meditating on the Words of God in my heart. All of a sudden my wife stood up and started praying. I was surprised as I had never actually seen her engage in the prayer on Emmanuel TV like that! At that moment, Wise Man John Chi said that enough is enough and that we should pray with aggression. My wife increased her pace and stretched out her hand to touch the screen of Emmanuel TV. The next thing I heard from her was, “Fire! Fire! Fire!” Then, suddenly she became very violent!

“She was growling like a lion with her fists folded, ready to fight. Before I knew it, she started destroying household appliances around her. It appeared that the spirits in her were fighting with someone that I couldn’t see. I decided to keep the kids safe and took them upstairs. I grabbed my Anointing Water and started ministering it to her, rebuking the evil spirit like I had seen the Wise Men and the Prophet do on Emmanuel TV. The evil spirit began speaking out, saying many strange things. After battling for about twenty minutes, the spirit left her and she collapsed on the floor and started crying.
“As I am writing to you now, she is now the true wife l knew from day one! Peace has been restored to our house and already, I have seen the signs of breakthrough returning to my business ventures. Thank God for using Emmanuel TV, the Anointing Water and Prophet TB Joshua to deliver my wife, house and entire family!”
Omiragua Cecil Onoriode – South Africa
Pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua!!