June 6, 2012 by

service on Sunday, June 3, 2012 began with Wise Man John Chi speaking
on the need to experience God. “Most people would believe that it is a
great tragedy to be separated from their possessions and social
relations,” he began. “However, very few people understand that the
greatest tragedy in the world today is to be separated from God.
Satisfaction in life is not all about having children, money or other
worldly possessions – you need to experience God. Until you experience
God, there will be dissatisfaction in your life – a sense of hunger to
know what life is all about, a desire to know what happens after life
is over,” he said in his introduction.
Continuing, he stated that many Christians only choose certain areas of
Scripture to focus on, stressing that we need the whole counsel of God
to develop spiritually. “Those people who choose to pick out a few
words from the Bible and live by them are not eager about such other
areas as holiness, consecration, judgement, evangelism and the love of
God,” he added.
Talking on the futility of merely pursuing worldly fame and
possessions, he explained, “Treasures on earth have their habit of
disappointing their owners as they don’t offer permanent security. Only
treasures stored up in Heaven are permanent and secure. They retain
their value because they are under God’s own security.” He used James
1:10-11 for further illustration.
Concluding, Wise Man John Chi referred the congregation and viewers
worldwide on Emmanuel TV to Psalm 55:22 and 1 Peter 5:7 – Scriptures
that enjoin us to ‘cast our burden upon the Lord’. He said, “The best
remedy against anxiety is to cast our burden upon God believing His
divine will to calm our spirit. To cast our burden upon God is to rest
our trust in His providence and promise. If we commit our ways and
works to Him, He promised to carry us in the arms of His power, as a
nurse carries a child and will strengthen our spirit by His Spirit. Why
don’t we trust Him and let Him prove Himself? After all, He is the
Governor of our future. I mean, He owns our future.”
Following Wise Man John Chi’s message, a glorious time in God’s
presence in praise and worship ensued, before Prophet T.B. Joshua came
out. “If you rely on the strength that comes from our Lord, Jesus
Christ, He will not allow the enemy of your soul to overtake you,” he
said, encouraging the congregation.
Using the opportunity to address his upcoming 49th birthday on June 12th, Prophet T.B. Joshua thanked the people for

prayers. Explaining the way and manner God wanted him to celebrate this
year, he stated, “My birthday shall be dedicated to prayer for the
Church of God, for its unity. It is also an occasion that calls for
persistent giving, especially to the needy,” he continued, stressing
that people should give every good thing the Lord had given to them.
A video was replayed in which Mr Gideon Ibitoye was remarkably
delivered after prayer from Wise Man Christopher during last week’s
Monday Service. The evil spirit had spoken through him, saying that it
was a warrior who had come to cause suffering and poverty in the
Addressing the importance of deliverance, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that
it was necessary for everyone to pass through deliverance. Referring
the congregation to 1 Corinthians 10:13, he explained that even after
deliverance, a Christian would still face challenges and trials but
that they would lead to his improvement. “When you are delivered,
strength will come from above so that the enemy of your soul will not
overtake you,” he said.

his explanation, Mr Ibitoye narrated that he is a youth pastor in his
church and never had any inclination that he would be the one to be
delivered when they came to The SCOAN. On the contrary, he believed his
wife was the one responsible for the problems and expected her to be
the one to manifest when the Wise Men prayed. This belief came as a
result of a number of pastors who had pointed out that his wife was the
architect of their downfall, telling him to beg her for forgiveness and
adorn her with gifts of clothes so she would release him from the cage
he was in.
Confused, his wife explained that she too ended up suspecting that she
might be possessed, after all the pastors had pointed her out to her
husband. Mr Ibitoye explained that during the Sunday Service, his
entire focus was on his wife during the Wise Men’s prayer, expecting
her to react and manifest. Disappointed after nothing seemingly
happened, he resolved to return home. His wife, however, insisted that
they return for the Monday Service. During the Monday Service, Mr
Ibitoye said, after listening to a message from Prophet T.B. Joshua, he
began to ask God for a touch from Heaven. As Wise Man Christopher
prayed for him during that service, he explained that he just saw light
and became very afraid, losing all consciousness and control. “I am not
the type of person who believes in that type of thing,” he confessed,
adding that he was astonished at the deliverance he received.
Members of the congregation spoke out on the lessons learned from the
couples experience and Prophet T.B. Joshua commended Mrs. Ibitoye for
standing by her husband despite the accusation and insisting on his
return to the church on Monday.
Miss Pauline, a 5th year Student of Political Science and Public
Administration at the University of Benin returned to The SCOAN with
three friends following her confession in the church last week. After
her deliverance from the spirit that had pushed her into prostitution,
Prophet T.B. Joshua called on her to bring some of her colleagues who
were also involved in the same lifestyle and desired deliverance.
Her three friends, all schooling in university, somberly told The SCOAN
congregation that they were involved in prostitution and this was how
they paid their tuition. Prophet T.B. Joshua promised that the church
would assist them financially with scholarships to carry on their
education without continuing their past lifestyle. The young friends
were moved to tears at the announcement, Pauline thanking God on their
behalf for rescuing them and providing for their needs.

his faith building testimony, Mr Alex Okodua said he visited The SCOAN
in October 2011 suffering from prostate cancer. At that stage, his
condition was critical as he had lost a lot of weight, saw blood in his
urine and experienced swelling in his groin. He explained that at this
stage he would be going to the toilet 5-6 times in a night alone. The
medical doctors advised him to go to India for an operation and even
then, the chances of recovery were 50-50.
However, in the midst of his deteriorating condition, one of Mr
Okodua’s sons advised him to visit The SCOAN and use the Anointing
Water. After receiving and ministering it, he explained that he
immediately began sleeping well. Soon, the blood-filled urine had
normalized and he was regaining weight again. Amazed at the miraculous
work of God in his life, Mr Okodua returned to the hospital for another
check. Marveling at the miracle, the doctors confirmed he was free from
prostate cancer. To God be the glory!
As Mr Okodua testified, Professor Robinson, the Chief Medical Director
of Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka, attested to what he was saying. He
explained that, as a medical doctor, he had referred many of his
patients to The SCOAN for

and had even ministered the Anointing Water in the hospital. He cited
the case of a woman whose arm was to be amputated because of a large
open wound that had refused to heal. However, after ministering the
Anointing Water, the wound closed up and the woman was completely
Engr. Ugwu and his wife came to The SCOAN with many testimonies to
share to God’s glory! Firstly, he explained that he had initially come
to The SCOAN with the problem of bedwetting for a long and painful 34
years. At this stage, he and his wife were childless and he was also
experiencing setback and disappointment in his business. However, after
coming to The SCOAN and ministering the Anointing Water, the Ugwu’s
lives were completely transformed!

bedwetting ceased and shortly afterwards his wife became pregnant,
later safely delivering a baby girl named Mary. Employed in a petroleum
company, abundant blessing started coming for Engr. Ugwu and he was
able to buy a new car and move into a new house. To cap it all, his
wife is now pregnant for a second time!
Following the testimonies, Prophet T.B. Joshua led the congregation in
a powerful time of mass prayer. “Your appointment with God is Divine.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, everyone was healed. God has sent me to
you to give you something,” he told the excited congregation. He then
moved in the midst of the congregation, giving words of prophecy to
hundreds of individuals present.

We thank God Almighty for what He is doing every week in The SCOAN.
Indeed, a million thanks are not enough for what Jesus Christ has done!