Hii ilikuwa ni ibada ya Jumapili ya tarehe 07.07.2013 na huu ndio ujumbe aliokuletea kutoka kwa Mungu. Mungu akubariki sana utakaposoma na kuelewa kile Mungu amekuletea siku ya leo kwa kupitia mtumishi wa Mungu Nabii T.B. Joshua kutoa Nigeria SCOAN.
Utaweza kujua jinsi anavyoamini juu ya kutabiri, anavyolia juu ya watu wsio na ajira, na mambo mengi ambayo utasikia kutoka kwake. Pia kuna shuhuda za kusisimua sana ambazo kwa kweli utaamini kuwa Mungu anamtumia sana mtumishi wa Mungu.
Mungu siku hii ya Jumapili aliweza kumtumia mtumishi wa Mungu DANIEL kuhubiri juu ya ujumbe huu:
MUULIZE MUNGU NA SIO MWANADAMU AU MTU,Alitukumbusha sisi katika kitabu cha Zaburi 12:2 Tunaweza kumwamini Mungu kwa Yeye ndiye asili ya yote tunayoyahitaji kutoka kwake katika maisha yetu ya sasa. Kama utaamini wasiwasi utatoweka.
Ukisoma hapo chini utaweza kujua mengi aliyohubiri Mtumishi wa Mungu Daniel.

Prophet T.B. Joshua often says that a prophet shall prophesy that which he will live to see accomplished. That popular saying of the man of God was once again proven by the testimony of a young couple into whose lives he had prophesied concerning the sex of their baby while it was yet an embryo in the lady’s womb. That singular evidence, which is not an isolated case of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophesies as being a communicator between the visible and invisible worlds, only demonstrates the unquestionable evidence that he sees, says, hears and acts as God instructs.
When Prophet T.B. Joshua also warned against an impending global economic catastrophe and advised going back to the drawing board, he was voicing out what he had seen and heard from God. To lend credence to his concerns, he launched the now world-acclaimed SCOAN Job Creation Initiative for young graduates and youth which aims at bridging the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor, as well as to reduce the escalating crime rate due to joblessness on our streets.
In his message during the Sunday service, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that the so-called legacy of education we give to our children will be meaningless because the prevalent unemployment in the world economy has made education useless and therefore, the young ones fail to see any value in education.
The twenty-two graduates, who had earlier benefited from The SCOAN Job Creation Initiative for young graduates and youth, were present at the service to present their letters of appointment and to thank the man of God for his benevolence.
Responding to Prophet T.B. Joshua’s clarion call Mrs Sina Chuma-Mkandawire, Director/Representative of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations and Laison Office for ECOWAS came to The SCOAN. Applauding the initiative, she also announced their readiness to partner with Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV to carry the employment campaign to greater heights.
ASK GOD, NOT MAN – Wise Man Daniel
In Wise Man Daniel’s message titled ‘Ask God, Not Man’, he reminded us of what Psalm 12:2 says that everyone lies to his neighbor. If everyone lies to his neighbour, who then can we believe? We can believe God as the only reliable source of all we need to live for Him here and now. If you can believe, worry and anxiety will varnish. Some human plans or your mind may come between you and God’s Word but rest upon what God says, “If you believe, all things are possible!”
In the process of finding out the truth, we need to get familiar with God through His Word and by His Spirit because we can count on God’s Word being good and it cannot fail without God failing.
From the hundreds of people who were eager to share their testimonies of healing, deliverance and breakthrough, we were able to accommodate just a few in view of the many activities lined up for the Sunday Service.
Mrs Jovita and her husband came to The SCOAN with their baby girl to give testimony to the fulfillment of the prophecy earlier given to them by Prophet T.B. Joshua. They came to The SCOAN in 2012 when Mrs Jovita was pregnant and the man of God had prophesied that he saw a baby girl. The lady says she was excited at the prospect of having a baby because they had been childless for some years. She later went to the hospital to do a pregnancy scan and it was confirmed that she was pregnant with a baby girl. When she was due, she gave birth to a bouncing baby girl without complications. Indeed, the Word of God uttered through his prophet will not return void ‘til it has accomplished what was said. Mrs Jovita’s advice was that there is nothing impossible for God; your case is possible.
Patricia Mokane from Botswana tested in 2008 and was confirmed positive to HIV/AIDS 1. She experienced back pain, severe headaches, general body weakness and dizziness during the years following.
When she watched Emmanuel TV and witnessed the many testimonies of healing, she was persuaded to ask one of her friends who had visited The SCOAN, to give her the Anointing Water she had received during her visit.
She ministered the Anointing Water, praying, “Jesus Christ, Son of David, have mercy on me. You helped Hagar in the desert. As You helped Hagar and You healed Naaman through a pool of water, don’t let me die. Please God, heal me today”.
When The SCOAN evangelists visited Botswana to register people who wished to visit The SCOAN. She told The SCOAN evangelist that she needed prayer for the problem of HIV/AIDS but The SCOAN evangelist advised her to go for another blood test to confirm her current HIV status because the medical report she had brought to the screening center was outdated. She complied and returned to the hospital to do another test and to her greatest shock and amazement, she tested negative to HIV/AIDS. Not really believing what had transpired, she went again and again to five different hospitals including the same government hospital that confirmed her to be positive to HIV/AIDS 1 and the various reports corroborated her HIV/AIDS negative status.
She showed her BEFORE and AFTER medical reports from a government hospital in Botswana, proving that she was once confirmed HIV/AIDS Positive 1 but is now negative to HIV/AIDS.
Godwin Codjo is a professional boxer from Ghana. He experienced dizziness and general body weakness which he thought were part of the hazards associated with his boxing career. When he went to the hospital to seek medical advice, he was diagnosed with Hepatitis B. This illness affected his career as a professional boxer because he was unable to train for three years.
All the medication he took could not relieve him of the excruciating pain and other symptoms he was feeling. Desiring to get quickly out of that situation that had rendered him financially and physically handicapped, he decided to seek for a solution to his problem and came to The SCOAN. He received The Anointing Water and ministered it in Jesus’ name. When he returned to Ghana, he had dreams of the wise men delivering him. After that dream, he began to experience the absence of those painful feelings. He later went back to the hospital and tested negative to Hepatitis B to the amazement of the doctors.
Godwin showed his medical reports proving that he once had Hepatitis B but is now completely healed through the Anointing Water. He advised everyone to believe and trust in God because He can do all things.
Emmanuel Nwosu, who was once a successful transporter and owner of a number of duplexes, was suddenly plunged into a state of abject poverty after his fortune mysteriously collapsed.
He recalls that after the death of his father who was a formidable witch doctor, there were some idols that were left in their family home. He was uncomfortable with having to share the family house with fetish objects of that nature. Relying on his own strength, Mr. Nwosu called some prayers warriors and together they burnt those idols.
After the burning of the idols, his trucks started having ghastly accidents which resulted in their being written off as damaged beyond repair. As he spent money in trying to repair them, they would have accidents again ‘til he ended up selling his buildings and other valuable property to raise the much-needed funds. After all his buildings had been sold off, he ended up as a tenant in another man’s house.
Desperately in search of a solution to his problem, he watched Emmanuel TV and came to the SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. Praying and ministering it in Jesus’ name, Mr Nwosu’s business started booming within a short time. Today, he has built another double storey house and bought new trucks for his business. He gladly displayed photographs of his newly-acquired wealth to the congregation to the glory of God.
Rose Okwuta, a Togolaise living in the USA, was suffering from ceased menstruation for a long time. She had used all forms of medication to no avail. One day, she came across Emmanuel TV and prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua when he was praying for the viewers. At the same time, by faith, she placed the Anointing Water booklet on her stomach and continued to pray along with Prophet T.B Joshua. After the prayer, she felt a strange sensation and ran to the toilet. To her greatest surprise, she discovered that her menstruation had started to flow, to the glory of God. She advised people to have faith in God and that with God all things are possible.

Mr Samuel Diah, a Tanzanian, came to The SCOAN with the problem of stagnation and business failure. He had occupied important positions at his work place and served in strategic capacities but he had nothing in terms of material wealth to show for his years of dedicated service. He had almost written himself off as a total failure. However, with the last ray of hope left in him, he decided to give God a chance to demonstrate His power over his life. He visited The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water and ministered it daily in Jesus’ name.
A month later, he received a call from the Ministry of National Tourism and Natural Resources notifying him that he had been elected as a director of the Tanzanian Tourist Board. He also gave another testimony of how God had saved him and his son from a ghastly road accident. That fateful day, before leaving his house, he ministered the Anointing Water as usual and drove his son to school. Along the way, the car swerved and somersaulted. People ran to see if there were any survivors in the car and miraculously, nothing happened to them. To God be the glory. He showed his appointment letters and photographs of the scene of the accident.
Utaweza kujua jinsi anavyoamini juu ya kutabiri, anavyolia juu ya watu wsio na ajira, na mambo mengi ambayo utasikia kutoka kwake. Pia kuna shuhuda za kusisimua sana ambazo kwa kweli utaamini kuwa Mungu anamtumia sana mtumishi wa Mungu.
Mungu siku hii ya Jumapili aliweza kumtumia mtumishi wa Mungu DANIEL kuhubiri juu ya ujumbe huu:
MUULIZE MUNGU NA SIO MWANADAMU AU MTU,Alitukumbusha sisi katika kitabu cha Zaburi 12:2 Tunaweza kumwamini Mungu kwa Yeye ndiye asili ya yote tunayoyahitaji kutoka kwake katika maisha yetu ya sasa. Kama utaamini wasiwasi utatoweka.
Ukisoma hapo chini utaweza kujua mengi aliyohubiri Mtumishi wa Mungu Daniel.
Prophet T.B. Joshua often says that a prophet shall prophesy that which he will live to see accomplished. That popular saying of the man of God was once again proven by the testimony of a young couple into whose lives he had prophesied concerning the sex of their baby while it was yet an embryo in the lady’s womb. That singular evidence, which is not an isolated case of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophesies as being a communicator between the visible and invisible worlds, only demonstrates the unquestionable evidence that he sees, says, hears and acts as God instructs.
When Prophet T.B. Joshua also warned against an impending global economic catastrophe and advised going back to the drawing board, he was voicing out what he had seen and heard from God. To lend credence to his concerns, he launched the now world-acclaimed SCOAN Job Creation Initiative for young graduates and youth which aims at bridging the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor, as well as to reduce the escalating crime rate due to joblessness on our streets.
In his message during the Sunday service, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that the so-called legacy of education we give to our children will be meaningless because the prevalent unemployment in the world economy has made education useless and therefore, the young ones fail to see any value in education.
The twenty-two graduates, who had earlier benefited from The SCOAN Job Creation Initiative for young graduates and youth, were present at the service to present their letters of appointment and to thank the man of God for his benevolence.
Responding to Prophet T.B. Joshua’s clarion call Mrs Sina Chuma-Mkandawire, Director/Representative of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations and Laison Office for ECOWAS came to The SCOAN. Applauding the initiative, she also announced their readiness to partner with Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV to carry the employment campaign to greater heights.
ASK GOD, NOT MAN – Wise Man Daniel
In Wise Man Daniel’s message titled ‘Ask God, Not Man’, he reminded us of what Psalm 12:2 says that everyone lies to his neighbor. If everyone lies to his neighbour, who then can we believe? We can believe God as the only reliable source of all we need to live for Him here and now. If you can believe, worry and anxiety will varnish. Some human plans or your mind may come between you and God’s Word but rest upon what God says, “If you believe, all things are possible!”
In the process of finding out the truth, we need to get familiar with God through His Word and by His Spirit because we can count on God’s Word being good and it cannot fail without God failing.
From the hundreds of people who were eager to share their testimonies of healing, deliverance and breakthrough, we were able to accommodate just a few in view of the many activities lined up for the Sunday Service.
Mrs Jovita and her husband came to The SCOAN with their baby girl to give testimony to the fulfillment of the prophecy earlier given to them by Prophet T.B. Joshua. They came to The SCOAN in 2012 when Mrs Jovita was pregnant and the man of God had prophesied that he saw a baby girl. The lady says she was excited at the prospect of having a baby because they had been childless for some years. She later went to the hospital to do a pregnancy scan and it was confirmed that she was pregnant with a baby girl. When she was due, she gave birth to a bouncing baby girl without complications. Indeed, the Word of God uttered through his prophet will not return void ‘til it has accomplished what was said. Mrs Jovita’s advice was that there is nothing impossible for God; your case is possible.
Patricia Mokane from Botswana tested in 2008 and was confirmed positive to HIV/AIDS 1. She experienced back pain, severe headaches, general body weakness and dizziness during the years following.
When she watched Emmanuel TV and witnessed the many testimonies of healing, she was persuaded to ask one of her friends who had visited The SCOAN, to give her the Anointing Water she had received during her visit.
She ministered the Anointing Water, praying, “Jesus Christ, Son of David, have mercy on me. You helped Hagar in the desert. As You helped Hagar and You healed Naaman through a pool of water, don’t let me die. Please God, heal me today”.
When The SCOAN evangelists visited Botswana to register people who wished to visit The SCOAN. She told The SCOAN evangelist that she needed prayer for the problem of HIV/AIDS but The SCOAN evangelist advised her to go for another blood test to confirm her current HIV status because the medical report she had brought to the screening center was outdated. She complied and returned to the hospital to do another test and to her greatest shock and amazement, she tested negative to HIV/AIDS. Not really believing what had transpired, she went again and again to five different hospitals including the same government hospital that confirmed her to be positive to HIV/AIDS 1 and the various reports corroborated her HIV/AIDS negative status.
She showed her BEFORE and AFTER medical reports from a government hospital in Botswana, proving that she was once confirmed HIV/AIDS Positive 1 but is now negative to HIV/AIDS.
Godwin Codjo is a professional boxer from Ghana. He experienced dizziness and general body weakness which he thought were part of the hazards associated with his boxing career. When he went to the hospital to seek medical advice, he was diagnosed with Hepatitis B. This illness affected his career as a professional boxer because he was unable to train for three years.
All the medication he took could not relieve him of the excruciating pain and other symptoms he was feeling. Desiring to get quickly out of that situation that had rendered him financially and physically handicapped, he decided to seek for a solution to his problem and came to The SCOAN. He received The Anointing Water and ministered it in Jesus’ name. When he returned to Ghana, he had dreams of the wise men delivering him. After that dream, he began to experience the absence of those painful feelings. He later went back to the hospital and tested negative to Hepatitis B to the amazement of the doctors.
Godwin showed his medical reports proving that he once had Hepatitis B but is now completely healed through the Anointing Water. He advised everyone to believe and trust in God because He can do all things.
Emmanuel Nwosu, who was once a successful transporter and owner of a number of duplexes, was suddenly plunged into a state of abject poverty after his fortune mysteriously collapsed.
He recalls that after the death of his father who was a formidable witch doctor, there were some idols that were left in their family home. He was uncomfortable with having to share the family house with fetish objects of that nature. Relying on his own strength, Mr. Nwosu called some prayers warriors and together they burnt those idols.
After the burning of the idols, his trucks started having ghastly accidents which resulted in their being written off as damaged beyond repair. As he spent money in trying to repair them, they would have accidents again ‘til he ended up selling his buildings and other valuable property to raise the much-needed funds. After all his buildings had been sold off, he ended up as a tenant in another man’s house.
Desperately in search of a solution to his problem, he watched Emmanuel TV and came to the SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. Praying and ministering it in Jesus’ name, Mr Nwosu’s business started booming within a short time. Today, he has built another double storey house and bought new trucks for his business. He gladly displayed photographs of his newly-acquired wealth to the congregation to the glory of God.
Rose Okwuta, a Togolaise living in the USA, was suffering from ceased menstruation for a long time. She had used all forms of medication to no avail. One day, she came across Emmanuel TV and prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua when he was praying for the viewers. At the same time, by faith, she placed the Anointing Water booklet on her stomach and continued to pray along with Prophet T.B Joshua. After the prayer, she felt a strange sensation and ran to the toilet. To her greatest surprise, she discovered that her menstruation had started to flow, to the glory of God. She advised people to have faith in God and that with God all things are possible.
Mr Samuel Diah, a Tanzanian, came to The SCOAN with the problem of stagnation and business failure. He had occupied important positions at his work place and served in strategic capacities but he had nothing in terms of material wealth to show for his years of dedicated service. He had almost written himself off as a total failure. However, with the last ray of hope left in him, he decided to give God a chance to demonstrate His power over his life. He visited The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water and ministered it daily in Jesus’ name.
A month later, he received a call from the Ministry of National Tourism and Natural Resources notifying him that he had been elected as a director of the Tanzanian Tourist Board. He also gave another testimony of how God had saved him and his son from a ghastly road accident. That fateful day, before leaving his house, he ministered the Anointing Water as usual and drove his son to school. Along the way, the car swerved and somersaulted. People ran to see if there were any survivors in the car and miraculously, nothing happened to them. To God be the glory. He showed his appointment letters and photographs of the scene of the accident.
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