Sunday service was a glorious occasion to behold. From the wonders and
miracles to the prophetic message, the exaltation of the Almighty God
was elating. The prayer line hosted people from around the world seeking
God’s intervention in their lives. They were prayed for by the wise
men, healed and delivered in Jesus’ name.

man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, as usual, prophesied to many of the
congregants – striking at the root of their problems. In his message,
the prophet re-iterated his previous message: ‘Do Not Tempt The Devil To
Tempt You’.
In his message for the day, Prophet T.B.
Joshua said one can be anointed with God’s gifts but that the challenge
is how to maintain such grace. He said, “Anyone can be sent to preach
but not everyone can maintain that grace. To maintain the grace is the
issue. Anyone can buy a car but not everyone can maintain it. If you
had maintained the blessing of God you would not be complaining today.”
said that the blessing of God attracts enemies and persecution and that
when blessing comes, persecution comes. “The blessing of God is honey.
When you drop honey or sugar on the floor, before you know it, ants from
the East, South, West, North will come and eat the honey. Honey is the
blessing of God; the ants come and look for it.” He, however, said man
must not dwell on those that are against him but to love them and pray
for them. Therefore, “It is a wrong prayer for your enemy to die. If
they are not there, how will you grow? You cannot grow in the face of
pleasure; it is in a place of difficulty that you grow”, he concluded.
people came out to glorify God for the dramatic changes they had
experienced in their lives. It is our desire that as you read these
testimonies, your faith will be lifted up to place you in a position for
your own miracle, in Jesus’ name.

devil gives with one hand and, before you know it, he snatches it back
with the other and your situation becomes worse. Princess Rita Ngbe from
Cross River, Nigeria is a living example.
She is also
a classic case of how, if left to themselves without parental guidance,
children’s minds can be defiled and become the devil’s workshop for
manufacturing his deadliest arsenal.
Ms Ngbe, 29, came
to The SCOAN to testify concerning the deliverance she received the
previous week. Recounting her story, she said it all began when she was
just 12 years old. She was not being monitored by her parents and became
She would be very stubborn and preferred
being inside her room. She would lock her room to make sure she was all
alone. During those times, she would be reading books, some of which
were too much above her age.
On one particular
afternoon, while inside the room, a spirit that looked like a small
blood-red chameleon appeared to her. The spirit told her it wanted to be
her friend and they started to play. She grew up day by day with this
being within her, developing her relationship with it unbeknown to any
other person. “Because my parents did not pay any attention to me, I did
not bother telling them anything about this strange phenomenon,” she
Later, the reptile began to give her
instructions to initiate other children by rubbing white clay on them.
When rubbed, the children would begin to also witness visions of the
same red reptile.
Save for three girls whose parents
were very prayerful, she initiated all girls that were put under her
care in the neighbourhood and warned them never to tell anyone about it,
threatening to beat them if they did.
When she
entered secondary school, people started accusing her of belonging to a
cult because of the way and manner she conducted herself and more
especially the company she kept. Little did they know that she possessed
powers higher than any cultist would boast to have.
made me annoyed because with the powers I had, it was disrespectful to
compare me with a cultist. If I felt threatened or harassed by the
lecturers or some bullies, I would say, ‘Do you know who I am? You will
see!’ and they would run away.”
By worshipping the red
reptile, she said, one would be very brilliant in class and be rich but
would not be allowed to get married. She would be allowed to live with a
man and have children but never to settle down with anyone. She was
told never to fall in love.
As Ms Ngbe was growing up
and following the instructions of the spirit, she would graduate
spiritually and become sophisticated in her powers. She was able to send
signals to make people fall in love. She didn’t even need to see the
people in order to match-make them. Those people would get married but
after two to three months, the marriage would bitterly break up.
thank God, she was not able to manipulate strong Christians but only
corrupt hearts that would tell lies and fornicate because she had the
power to control what people thought with their minds. To those who were
innocent, naïve, she would send a lie to them and once they had lied,
they were initiated.
She had power in her nails, eyes
and forehead. Her eyes had so much power that if she looked at a mirror
intently, the mirror would crack. She also had power in her forehead for
deceiving people to believe that she was a good person.
had cars, houses and cash in my bank. Money was not a problem and I
walked with authority,” she said. But it was not to be forever. She fell
in love, broke the covenant she had with the devil and fell from her
position. The fall was catastrophic. She found herself in jail on an
office matter and ended up selling her two expensive cars – a Hummer bus
and a Peugeot 607 for a paltry seventy-thousand Naira only.
fact, she did not come to The SCOAN in search of deliverance, rather
breakthrough so that she would financially be back on her feet. When she
came to The SCOAN, she felt very uncomfortable as the man of God,
Prophet T.B. Joshua was preaching love. According to her, she would have
been more relaxed if he had been preaching hatred.
The SCOAN, she was arranged at the prayer line. She brought out her
pictures for the wise men to pray for but she was surprised as they did
not touch the documents but rather touched her head (her crown). She saw
beams of light and heard a voice telling her to confess and be free.
Later, she found herself on the floor.
After her
deliverance, the good sleep she had been denied for many years has
returned to her. In her dreams, she would see herself in a group of
people and also strange animals which she would communicate with. All
these have gone after her deliverance.
She warned that
satan gives and takes away in a jiffy. “I was excellent, very brilliant
at school and rapidly rose in my career but when satan chose to take it
away, he took it all away in one day. Everything about me collapsed and
I ended up in prison,” she said.
She was not without
advice: “Parents, watch your children. An idle mind is the workshop of
the devil. For the rest of you with strange habits, go to a living
church and receive your deliverance. There is nothing higher than God

person who came to testify to the glory of God was Mr Ikolo Sylvester.
He had been smoking for 14 years. He had tried to stop it on his own but
he couldn’t. His addiction was so chronic that if he didn’t smoke
marijuana, he couldn’t eat.
“I was a chain smoker and
smoked two packs of cigarettes and weed each day,” he said. As a result
of the illicit substance, Mr Ikolo was arrested several times. During
that period, he was very lean – he ate but it didn’t show. As a result
of the problem, he became violent towards most people. One day he fell
sick from a malarial attack and was admitted to the hospital.
there, one of the patients was visited by a friend – a soldier. The
visitor brought his friend the Anointing Water and ministered it on him.
He became curious and interested and begged the soldier to spray a
little on him. As the good visitor ministered the Anointing Water on
him, Mr Ikolo prayed in his heart in Jesus’ name that God should set him
free from his addiction.
That ended a long time
addiction to chain-smoking and taking of illicit substances. “I am now
free from the spirit of smoking and the urge for cigarettes and
marijuana/weed is all but gone,” he shouted to the glory of God. He
advised people to come closer to God and have faith in Him.

Emoitologa Godday came all the way from Adamawa State, Nigeria to share
his wonderful testimony. He had worked for the Ministry of Education as
the Chief Education Officer for years without any promotion. Many
people under him would be promoted but that was never the case with him.
For four times, he applied for the position of
Assistant Director of Education but the effort bore no result. He
decided to come to The SCOAN and by the grace of God, he received the
Anointing Water.
When he was invited for an interview,
he ministered it on his documents in Jesus’ name and prayed that he be
considered for the position. He believed in his heart that he would be
among the best ten for the promotion exam and, to the glory of God, he
passed the exam and he was promoted to be the Assistant Director of
Education. He said that all the candidates that had used his Anointing
Water passed the interviews as well. He showed the congregation the
promotion letter he received from the Ministry of Education, Nigeria
with his name listed as number 9.
“Everyone saw me
minister the Anointing Water and I boastfully told them that I would
pass. Now that God has proven Himself true through the medium, people
call me ‘Anointing Water Product’,” he said.

to take her turn to glorify God was Miss Favour Yaje from Cameroon who
was delivered from the spirits of masturbation and bedwetting that had
haunted her for more than 20 years. She said she would dream herself as a
teenager. In her dreams, she would be desperate to use the lavatory and
would do such, not knowing that she was actually urinating in her bed.
To void this, she would struggle to keep herself awake which was
A young woman who left home aged 12 for
insisting to read her Bible over the family’s beliefs in idol
worshipping, she had no person to talk to. She single-handedly fought it
but to no avail. “There was a particular time that I would have this
problem every month,” she said.
As if that was not
enough, she also had the problem of masturbation for 3 years. The
problem tormented her so seriously that she could no longer pray, saying
she could masturbate up to three times in a day. “I never got
satisfied. Each action led to another all the time,” she said.
day, while she was watching Emmanuel TV, she touched the screen, became
angry at her problems and prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua.
Suddenly, she couldn’t control herself and didn’t remember what
happened. When night came she had the same dream but to her amazement
when she woke up, she found out that she had not wet the bed.
received her deliverance two years ago and when Jesus delivered her, He
delivered her effectually. Masturbation has become a long forgotten
story. She advises: “Shame belongs to the devil. We should be open and
be ready to expose our problems, so that we can be delivered. Parents,
love your children so that they can confide in you.”

was also a happy day for the family of Mr John Warifinowei who came to
The SCOAN to testify how a prophecy by Prophet T.B. Joshua had reunited
his family.
Mr Warifinowei received the prophecy two
weeks ago when the man of God pointed him out and asked him to ‘forgive
the woman’. He came back to The SCOAN the following week, revealing
that the person referred to in the prophecy was his mother whom he had
always believed to be a witch.
He said his belief
stemmed from the fact that many spiritualists, who presented themselves
as prophets, had told him that his mother was the cause of all the
hardship the family was passing through. The man of God, Prophet T.B.
Joshua, declared that his mother was not a witch and advised the whole
family to go on their knees and ask the mother for forgiveness.
Warifinowei explained that when they got home that Sunday, they
experienced joy in their family for the first time in ten years.
Previously, he said, they would not even allow the mother to visit their
homes as they were all afraid of being bewitched.
wife equally testified to the massive change the prophesy had brought
to their home. “For the first time, our children played with their
grandmother,” she said, fighting tears of joy. She advised the
congregants and viewers to always seek the voice of God and to avoid
spiritualists who, she said, are never up to anything good but to ruin
She said the meal they had had at The SCOAN’s
restaurant soon after the reconciliation, was their first with the
mother in all those years as they had always avoided and condemned her
to a life of seclusion.
The mother could not hide her
joy at being reconciled with her children, thanking God for using the
man of God to rebuild the broken home.
Mrs Amy Anyadimaju and family came to The SCOAN following the deliverance she had received through Wise Man Harry.
grew up without much parental care. She grew up believing that her
father was dead according to what her mother had told her. As a result,
she started running away from home. She ran away from school and she got
raped at the age of six years. Since that incident, she started having
the urge to be around men and she went too far to the extent that she
became addicted to hard drugs.
She started selling
herself and sleeping around with up to 15 men in a single night to raise
money for drugs and her upkeep. It was during such escapades that she
met with a man at a nightclub who later became the father of her three
When she was six months pregnant, she ran away
from her husband’s house and started prostituting with her pregnancy.
After giving birth to her son, her mother took her home. However she was
still craving for men and she decided to dump the 3-day-old child at
home with her mother and returned to prostitution.
ran away for almost two years from her family and nobody knew where she
was. At the age of 18, she got pregnant for her third child. In her
pregnancy, she went to Cape Town and she signed an agreement to sell the
baby while he was still in her womb.
She also started
to sell herself on the Internet to find clients from other countries
through facebook. She recalled travelling to countries such as USA,
Australia, UK and many more countries just to keep a date with an
internet lover. It was during such trips abroad that she ran into a
group of 20 men who slept with her in turn until she almost passed away.
She also recounted that one of the men she slept with
suddenly turned to a snake on her. The other experience was that while
sleeping with another man, he turned to a lion right on top of her.
her facebook account, she said, she had 4,580 friends and men visiting
her page just to download her obscene pictures. “Anytime I logged on to
my Facebook account. I would receive hundreds of messages at a time and
some men would offer me whatever I asked for,” she said.
her deliverance, she felt ashamed of her past life as a prostitute and
drug addict. Now, she no longer craves for men, cigarettes and drugs and
instead longs for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. She said:
“I’m indeed delivered. I advise all the youth to finish their education
and listen to their parents. Stay away from facebook.”
this startling cyber revelation, Prophet T.B. Joshua called out the
congregation to pray for the children and youth all over the world to be
cautious of social networks.

Royal Highness Bokolo Wari from Obiogu Kingdom, Niger-Delta, Nigeria
came to The SCOAN purposely to seek God’s intervention concerning issues
of idol worshipping and witchcraft that had torn his kingdom apart for
over 230 years.
He was previously prophesied to by
Prophet T.B. Joshua about a ‘court case which was going on appeal and a
certain woman whom the community had falsely accused of being a witch’.
HRH Bokolo confessed that the two prophecies surprised him because he had never met the prophet.
He confirmed the prophecies to be true and said the first one was his main reason for visiting The SCOAN.
explained that an eight-year-old girl had mysteriously entered a young
man’s room and slept by his side. The door was securely locked but the
young girl still entered the room. When they caught and questioned her,
she confessed that she used to go for witchcraft meetings at night
spiritually and started pointing to those who she claimed were witches
and wizards in the community.
Because of this issue,
his sister had attempted to commit suicide. One of the members of the
community had died over this issue, while another one had ran into the
forest and had not been seen ‘til this moment. He further explained that
the community tortured the accused person before their bodies were
buried. He said that a spiritualist who claimed to be a prophet had
confirmed the confession of the young girl.
He said
that there was no progress in the community because of the issue of
witchcraft accusations and that he wanted the man of God, Prophet T.B.
Joshua to intercede on behalf of the community.
Together with King Bokolo Wari and Chief Peter were two women who were accused of being witches.
on, the man of God came into the matter. Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied
that there would be a great and positive change in his family. He also
declared that the young lady who had pointed fingers to community
members was not a witch but was only afflicted and therefore, everything
she had said should be considered falsehood.
whole family of Chief Ogburu went on their knees to beg their mother for
forgiveness for accusing her falsely of being a witch. Then, the family
thanked the man of God for intervening in their affair.
are but a few of the many testimonies and the man of God concluded his
sermon of the day by prophetically advising the congregation and viewers
to always seek the face of God in all issues as solution to root of
their problems, citing the case of the man at the Beautiful gate: “Look
at the man at the Beautiful Gate who was there to collect money. Peter
and John said, ‘Silver and Gold, I do not have. Rise up and walk’. The
lame man thought that he was not there for the miracle but for money.
God knew that money couldn’t solve the problem.”