Book: The Step Between you and the Cure
When a man of God says, “You are healed”’ you are healed indeed but you have a
role to play. To maintain your miracle, you need faith.
Prophe TB Joshua carring rice-Faith in action
In book of
John 5, the man at the pool of Bethesda
received the miracle he had been waiting for. Let’s listen to what Jesus told
Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, ‘See, you are well again. Stop
sinning or something worse may happen to you’.” John 5:14
Christ saw
it is necessary to give this warning because it is common for people when sick
to promise much but to do little when they are well. It is common to people
when poor to promise much but to do little when they are blessed. In other
words, it is common for a man to promise much when asking but to do little or
nothing after receiving. Those healed of the punishment of sin are likely to
return to sin when the pain is over.
Why would
anybody promise much and do little? For example, to promise, “I will sin no
more”. Remember what happens when we are blessed. When we are poor, we say to
God, “Lord, if You would bless me, I will sin no more”. Now we are blessed, we
find ourselves in the midst of privileged people whoa are most committed to
worldly things.
What do I mean by “worldly thing’? For example, going to parties, whereas before the blessing, you were fasting and praying in the church all day.
What do I mean by “worldly thing’? For example, going to parties, whereas before the blessing, you were fasting and praying in the church all day.

Prophet TB Joshua, his Synagogue
Sin is
disease of the soul. When the soul is pardoned, it is healed. When Jesus said,
“Go, your sin are forgiven:, He equally meant to say, “Go, you are healed”.
Satan is synonymous with sin; in other words, Satan is sin. Put in another way, whatever
sin is capable of doing, Satan is also capable of doing. Remember, sin brings
sickness and death. Satan is the author of them all.
God freely
gives His grace to all who rely on His Words
Live your
Christina life the same way you began it – by trusting Christ.
Lords Jesus, let Your Word abide in us and well in it.
Text typed
by Rulea Sanga (+255 7515 85 15 23)
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